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2024-12-14 01:03:13

A-shares: A sudden positive reversal of black Thursday, tomorrow, the stock market will once again break through 3500 points?In terms of sectors, except for instruments, semiconductors, optics and optoelectronics, the sectors of other industries generally rose today. Of course, commercial department stores and consumption directions still led the rise. There are several details in the session that need to be noted. After 10 o'clock, consumption stagflation fell, and then the market for drinking and taking medicine resumed. What really reversed the decline was the strength of the big financial collective, which led the index to a wave of turnaround.Second, the reason for the purchase restriction is that you can save taxes. Simply put, you need to pay taxes when you buy it in your own account, but you can save up to 5,400 yuan in taxes when you buy it through personal pension. The key is that the direction of personal pension investment is personally checked and screened above, so I will ask you if it is fragrant! Today, finance and securities firms are on the move, and both waves of attacks in early trading have signs of mysterious fund assists, which means obvious care.

Second, the reason for the purchase restriction is that you can save taxes. Simply put, you need to pay taxes when you buy it in your own account, but you can save up to 5,400 yuan in taxes when you buy it through personal pension. The key is that the direction of personal pension investment is personally checked and screened above, so I will ask you if it is fragrant! Today, finance and securities firms are on the move, and both waves of attacks in early trading have signs of mysterious fund assists, which means obvious care.Next, let's look at the prospect of tonight's heavy meeting. Raising deficit ratio and issuing extra-long-term special government bonds were also expected before, and then we will wait for the specific figures to be announced. There is one thing that is worthy of recognition, that is, the A-shares must be launched above, but the robot has ebbed, and the acceleration of consumption here will prevent it from dying after the final policy is implemented.A-shares: A sudden positive reversal of black Thursday, tomorrow, the stock market will once again break through 3500 points?

Judging from the performance of individual stocks and sectors, today's A-shares can break the curse of Black Thursday, mainly because at 11 o'clock, it announced the great benefits of personal pensions. After-hours, another heavy meeting was held. Although deficit ratio and the ultra-long-term special national debt were mentioned, Lao Liu reminded me that before the small high point of 3494.87 points was not broken, it was not appropriate to blindly chase up.This wave of market rose for 12 days, only fell for 3 days in the middle, but the increase was only 6.19%, which was a proper slow pace! Next, either the volume is accelerated, or the high probability is to step back and gain momentum before breaking through. In response, you can wait and see by holding shares. If the short-term rise is high, remember to drop the bag and adjust the position. If this wave underperforms the market, it will be enough to make up for the increase with performance support.This wave of market rose for 12 days, only fell for 3 days in the middle, but the increase was only 6.19%, which was a proper slow pace! Next, either the volume is accelerated, or the high probability is to step back and gain momentum before breaking through. In response, you can wait and see by holding shares. If the short-term rise is high, remember to drop the bag and adjust the position. If this wave underperforms the market, it will be enough to make up for the increase with performance support.

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